Summer Pet Travel: Airline Embargoes

Planning Safe Summer Pet Transport

This blog post was updated on March 3, 2020, to reflect the most recent information we have on summer airline embargoes.

Transporting pets during the summer can be a little extra challenging due to the possibility of high temperatures and resulting airline embargoes.

Some carriers limit their hours and impose restrictions when it comes to shipping pets in the summer, so if you're planning to move during this busier than average season, it's important to be aware of these possible changes.

Here's a look at this year's summer airline embargoes. We'll keep you updated if any changes occur, and remember you're always welcome to contact us if you have questions about how to plan your move!

Note: this list is not comprehensive and policies may change going forward. Please contact your PetRelocation Specialist if you have questions about your pet's trip.

Aer Lingus

Summer Embargoes: No pets when the temperature exceeds 86°F (30°C). If temperatures are equal to or exceed 86°F (30°C) at any of the stations in the routing, pets may not be accepted and will therefore be rebooked for the next available flight(s).

Air New Zealand

Until further notice: No live animals can depart from Houston (only LAX, HNL and SFO)

British Airways




Swiss Air


Additional Details Regarding US Pet Imports: Note that various airports may operate with restrictions. Please contact a PetRelocation Consultant to learn more.


PetRelocation Team


Air Travel, Airlines, Airports


Cats, Dogs


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