Bringing Cats to Australia: Otis and Dash’s Move Story

Meet Dash and Otis, and join us in congratulating them on their move to Australia!

When my son sold his car and booked his flight to Australia three years ago, I thought I'd never see him again. He left his old life and his cat Dash with me in Clovis, California. 

Since that time, he has met a wonderful Australian-Greek beauty and they are now expecting their first baby this year! I now see my future half a world away and have decided to make the big step and retire, sell my home, and take our kitties to a new land.

Otis, my big orange baby, has been a constant companion for me over the past eleven years, and after a health scare in 2016, he required insulin injections twice daily. This was a huge concern, as the flight was over fifteen hours long. But, after my initial conversation with PetRelocation, I felt very comfortable and at ease with his long journey.


PetRelocation's Linda Smith was in constant contact with me between flights and throughout the quarantine process. Otis and Dash are now safe and sound in Sydney and enjoying their new home. I look forward to joining them next month. 

Thank you so much, PetRelocation!!



Pet Travel Story Details:

Pet Names: Otis and Dash
Pet Type: Cats
From: Clovis, California
To: Sydney, Australia


Need help bringing your cats to Australia?Moving somewhere else? Contact us to learn about your safe pet shipping options.


PetRelocation Team


Air Travel, Incredible Experiences, Quarantine



