ISO Compatible Microchips for Pet Travel to the European Union

Microchips can be an understandably confusing part of pet travel, so we've compiled a few frequently asked questions to help clear up the most misunderstood aspects of this requirement.

Does my pet need an ISO Compatible Microchip to enter the European Union?

If you've looked into pet import regulations for a country within the EU, chances are you've heard the term "ISO compatible" alongside microchip rules. Does that mean you need one if you're moving your pet to Europe? The answer is a little complicated.

ISO (International Standards Organization) regulations tend to mean different things for different countries, making it even more confusing to determine if your pet's chip is compliant. While we always recommend double-checking your destination country's specific rules and regulations, we know a thing or two that may help with some of the confusion surrounding microchips.

Which microchips will allow entry into the EU?

The technical rule for entry into the EU is to have an ISO-compatible chip. Two reasonably common microchip brands are compatible with ISO regulations for the EU: HomeAgain and the AVID Euro chip (10 digits instead of the standard US 9-digit chip). Look at our previous blog posts covering AVID and HomeAgain chips in more detail. 

What if my pet’s pet'sis not considered ISO-compatible?

We have found that when routing through a large Border Inspection Post, such as the Lufthansa Animal Lounge in Frankfurt or the KLM Pet Hotel in Amsterdam, all types of microchips are acceptable. Even if the final stop is not in Amsterdam or Frankfurt, this is where vet inspections and microchip scans occur for entry into the EU. Both locations have universal scanners readily available to read any US-implanted chip (not just ISO compatible).

With that, remember that the vet clinic at your new destination may not have a universal scanner to read a non-ISO-compatible chip. In that case, you may be asked to get a new chip implanted when looking to move again or obtain an EU Pet Passport.

Should I get another Microchip implanted just to be safe?

While implanting a microchip is typically painless for pets, we do not recommend getting another chip (just to be ISO compatible) if you can avoid it. Here are a few reasons why two chips are not always better than one:

  • Both numbers must be listed on all vet documentation if one microchip is no longer readable (due to malfunction or moving location).

  • The EU requires a microchip to be implanted and scanned before a rabies vaccination. With a new microchip, your pet would also need a recent rabies vaccination to meet import requirements. Again, this is just in case the original microchip is no longer readable.

  • The two chips must also be updated with your contact information. People probably won’t won'te that found pets have two microchips, so it’s iit'stant to keep contact information up-to-date on both chips to ensure your pet is easily traceable back to you.

In the end, the decision about whether or not to get another chip implanted to meet ISO regulations is up to you. We have worked with many pets that have two microchips!

Either way, it’s ait'ss a good idea to have your pet’s pet'sscanned by your vet well in advance to ensure that the chip is working properly, is easy to locate, and the number is recorded correctly for travel.

Ready to discuss your pet's Transportation with a pet travel expert? Contact PetRelocation to set up a consultation today.


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