EU Transportation for Pets

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Relocating Dogs to Belgium: Annie’s Move Story

Incredible Experiences: Annie's Move to Brussels From Georgia The most important and stressful aspect of our international move was the relocation of our beloved dog Annie. PetRelocation was fantastic in making this as smooth, safe, and stress-free as possible. …

Dog Travel to Spain: Lilly and Ruby’s Move to Valencia

Incredible Experiences: "Our Big Move to our New Home" Once we knew we were moving, we searched for someone to help us move Lilly and Ruby. It was going to be stressful enough moving ourselves without worrying about having the…

Cat Travel to the United Kingdom: Sonic’s Move Story

Incredible Experiences: "Quick, easy and a happy cat at the end!" We were very nervous about transporting Sonic. He and my husband were attached at the hip, and Sonic already would be upset when we would go on vacations. But,…

Dog Transport to Germany: Jack’s Relocation from Texas

Incredible Experiences: Jack's Journey from the Texas Hill Country to the Hills of Germany We were thrilled to be moving to Europe, and the only hesitation was how to get Jack moved with as little anxiety as possible. Historically…

Pet Travel Story: Two Dogs Fly to the United Kingdom

"Incredible Experiences: Ralph & Riley Living in the United Kingdom!" The boys couldn't be happier. I think they know this is their home now. Thanks SO MUCH for getting them here safely. We will be in touch in a…

Pet Travel Story: Transporting Cats Across the United States

"Incredible Experiences: Two Feisty Cats Move to North Carolina" The Team treated our family, and especially our two fabulously feisty cats, with full support and appreciation for the craziness involved with a cross-country move.  They truly handled every detail…

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