Singapore Transportation for Pets

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Planning Pet Travel to Australia

Hello! I'm considering moving to Canada next year, and I'd love to take my 2-year-old Pug with me. Been trying to get all the information, but it's a bit overwhelming! Essentially, I'd be looking at something…

Pet Travel to Australia Via Canada

Hi PetRelocation, Next year, my dog will fly from Thailand to Canada, and my friend will pick him up, and the dog will be sent to Australia. My questions are: 1. How long does it take to complete the process when…

Planning Pet Travel to Australia From Colombia

Hi PetRelocation, Is it possible to move my dogs from Colombia to Australia? I understand it cannot be done directly, but can I take them to the United States, spend some time there, and then travel to Australia? Thanks, Lina …

How to Manage Dog Travel to Australia From China

Hi, I am inquiring on behalf of my daughter, who lives with her dog in Singapore. She is going with her dog for two years to Ningbo, China; from there, she will go to Adelaide, Australia. As I understand, the…

Top Pet Travel Destinations: Australia Spotlight

Planning a pet relocation to Australia is not the easiest thing you'll ever do, but if you know where to look for help and start organizing your pet's details well before you plan to move, you can accomplish…

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