Transportation for Cats

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Cat Travel from Germany to the United States

Name: Brigitte Number of Pets: 1 Pet Type: Cat Pet Breed: Domestic Cat From: Duesseldorf, Germany To: Saywer County, Wisconsin Dear PetRelocation, I want to travel with my cat from Germany to Wisconsin. I want to enter the United States via…

Dog Transport to the UK: Is There a Quarantine?

Dog Transport from Romania to the UK: Quarantine and Import Regulations Hi PetRelocation, Can my rescue dog come straight from the airport to my home or does he need to go into quarantine? Thanks, Lisa   Hi Lisa, According to…

Moving to the UK with Pets: Your Essential Guide

Moving to another country can be a complex process, and if you're planning to bring your beloved pet with you to the UK there are additional steps you need to consider. This guide will provide the essential information you…

Navigating Airport Transit and Layover Regulations for Pet Travel

Layover and Transit Requirements at Airports Every pet owner planning international travel has pondered this question: "What do I need for layovers in different countries when traveling with my pet?" We often receive queries related to this concern. For example,…

Cat Travel: Cabin vs. Cargo

Name: Pierre Number of Pets: 3 Pet Type: Cats From: Switzerland To: USA Hello PetRelocation, We will be moving from Switzerland to the US in three or four months with our three cats. I was told that there were two options…

Exploring The Heathrow Animal Reception Centre

The Heathrow Animal Reception Centre (HARC) is more than just a hub for pet travel - it's a world-class facility dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of your pets during their journey. As one of the…

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