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Bringing Cats to Australia: Bandit’s Move Story

Incredible Experiences: Bandit's Move to Australia I did a decent amount of research before moving forward with PetRelocation. I asked friends which companies they had used, and also posted on online forums used by Australians in the US to…

Incredible Experiences: Three Pets Move to the UK

"PetRelocation made a stressful move so easy!" When I found out I had the opportunity to move to London, UK to advance my career, I was excited but incredibly nervous. I knew I could never leave my two dogs and…

Pet Shipping Story: Lucy and Ethel’s Move to Oregon

Incredible Experiences: Lucy and Ethel's Journey Across the United States Hi PetRelocation, I am extremely satisfied with your services. Penney was very helpful. I had explained to her that I was in hospital throughout the whole process, and prior…

Cat Travel to the United Kingdom: Sonic’s Move Story

Incredible Experiences: "Quick, easy and a happy cat at the end!" We were very nervous about transporting Sonic. He and my husband were attached at the hip, and Sonic already would be upset when we would go on vacations. But,…

Cat Travel to Hong Kong: Buddy’s Move

Incredible Experiences: Buddy's Relocation from Georgia to Hong Kong In brief, I was horrified at the idea of what my cat was going to have to go through during this relocation, but Evelyn and Nina were extremely sensitive, thorough,…

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